Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Brace Face

Before Braces

During the Process

After Braces, still a very handsome boy!

Houston had the pleasure last week of starting Phase One Orthodontic treatment. He inherited my small mouth that will not accommodate all of the permanent teeth trying to make there way through. As a result he has a space maintainer on the bottom to hold open spaces for the teeth and now braces on the top teeth to open up spaces for permanent teeth. He will likely have them on for 6-9 months depending how things move. He will have to have another phase of orthodontic work around age 13 or 14 to straighten all of his teeth. He was an excellent patient, sat very still and was patient while they worked. He ended up going to the dentist on Monday for a cleaning that also involved adjusting his bottom space maintainer so his teeth and gums were pretty sore on Monday. On Wednesday morning he had to have a filling done on an upper tooth, it needed to be done before they put the braces on. On Wednesday afternoon he had his braces put on. His mouth was pretty sore for several days but he is doing great now. If we can stay on top of keeping his teeth clean that would be awesome.

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Gines "Party of Five" said...

Oh Houston looks so grown up:( Jaxon started his phase one at the ortho last year with an expander and on the 26th will be getting braces on the top teeth:( Fun stuff huh!

Kelly said...

You've been blogging! Cool! How is Houston doing with his braces so far?

Michele said...

I am trying to be more consistent with my Blog. Houston is doing great, not much complaining other than the first few days when his mouth was sore.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Michele!

Houston’s first week with braces! How exciting! Is he doing well?

I’m currently working with the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) and I wanted to share with your family the AAO website, http://braces.org. The site offers a lot of great facts and info on orthodontists, as well as many braces friendly recipes which might help Houston’s sore smile!

The AAO is also looking for healthy, beautiful smiles for their site – if you’re interested, hang on to those before photos & send them in along with a snapshot of the healthy, beautiful result! (btw, …not that his smile isn’t cute already )

Keep Smiling,
Rachel Wishart
American Pop