Tuesday, April 21, 2009

22 Weeks and Counting

This week marks week number 22, more than halfway to the finish line. I thought I owe it to my family and friends out of state to post a more current picture of my ever expanding belly. The first few pictures were taken on March 1st, obviously a lot of growth has happened since that date. I am feeling pretty good but must admit as the temperatures increase here in Austin it makes dread the upcoming summer months. Today it was 92 degrees and my swollen ankles are proof of that temperature. We made our first trip to Babies R' Us last Friday to purchase a pregnancy pillow and a baby gift for a friend. I dragged Chad along with me to break him into what lies ahead. A few of his comments were as follows: As we walked throught the front door I heard my dear husband say these proufound words, "I thought I would never have to come here again," on more than one occasion as we looked for a gift I heard"You do realize we are the oldest couple in this store." As we looked around a bit he kept saying "We have our basinet still, right?" my answer "no", followed by "We have our monitor still, right?" my answer "no" and again "We have our port-a-crib, right?" my answer "no". With that conversation Chad came to the realization that other than our crib and changing table we would be starting over. While it will be a lot of work it will be fun and exciting at the same time. Houston is adjusting little by little to the news of the baby being a girl, hopefully he will love her when he holds her for the first time and his instinct to be her protector will kick in. The girls have been excited from day one and continue to look forward to the day when they can meet their baby sister. Chad is anxious, nervous and overwhelmed but excited at the same time, one might think he was becoming a dad for the first time. Thank you for indulging me and reading my Blog.
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Monday, April 13, 2009


Many of you may be wondering why I have not updated my Blog in quite sometime. Needless to say things have been very busy around the Fuller household. For those of you that may be reading this and have not heard the news we are expecting a baby girl on August 23, 2009. We are very excited and feel truly blessed to have another beautiful daughter to add to our family, at the same time we are overwhelmed with the thought of starting over and realizing as the due date draws closer how much we have to do to prepare for this event in our lives. The girls are thrilled to have a new baby in the family, Houston is not as excited and was even less excited when he found out what he hoped to be a baby brother was actually a baby sister. We hope that he will adjust to the idea over time and be happy to meet her when she arrives. Many of you may read this Blog and think "are they crazy", the answer is probably but why not enjoy all the blessings life has to offer. I will do my best to keep you posted on the progress, and do a better job of updating our Blog.
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