Monday, May 11, 2009

25 Weeks and Growing!!!

Today is the beginning of week 25, this picture was actually taken in week 24. Believe it or not I am actually bigger today than in this picture. With each week the size of my belly increases and the temperature here in Austin increases as well. It has been very humid and hot leaving my ankles, feet and even my toes quite swollen. It is not a pretty sight, Chad and Houston like to poke fun at the size of my ankles. I have been compared to an elephant, Houston even asked if I can remember everything like an elephant. The answer is No! actually I forget a lot of things especially now. Despite the discomfort it is a very exciting time, she is very active which is always amazing to me. We are counting the weeks and realize with each passing day how much we still have to do to prepare for her arrival, I will keep you posted.

On another note Jessica arrived home from College on Mother's Day, it was a great present to have her home again. She will only be home for 4 weeks, she will go back to Utah in early June to attend summer school. We will take whatever time we can get, we certainly miss her.

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It's Been a Day! said...

I think you look fantastic! Glad Jessica is home to spend time with you even if it is for only a short amount of time.

Shana said...

Lookin' good, Mama!!!

Kelly said...

You look marvelous!