Sunday, June 7, 2009

Another Milestone

I am happy to have reached another important milestone in my pregnancy, I finally passed the 28 week mark and as of Monday June 8th will begin week 29. Only 11 weeks left which does not seem like a lot but I am sure will feel like a lot in the Austin heat and humidity. I had my 28 week appointment on Friday and enjoyed drinking the yummy glucose drink for the gestational diabetes test, had my Rhogham shot because I am RH negative and had the pleasure of having my blood drawn for further thyroid testing. Despite the not so fun part all is going well, my blood pressure was great, the baby's heartbeat was strong, she is moving a lot and my measurement is right on target. The only concern is the swelling I experience in my ankles which seems to be consistent and ongoing. So far my Doctor said there is nothing to worry about and not much I can do about it, it will get worse before it gets better (just what I want to hear). I need to do a better job of resting and elevating my feet when I can, I am hopeful that it will not turn into a problem and I will go to my due date still being able to work. I guess only time will tell. I may not blog for a few weeks, we are going to Utah to visit family for two weeks. We were supposed to leave Saturday June 6th, we are flying stand by with my Dad's flight benefits with Delta. After two trips to the airport on Saturday and one today we were only able to get Jessica on a flight. Hannah, Houston and I are going to try again this afternoon Chad has a ticket to fly out on Monday night and will hopefully meet us there (if the three of us ever make it on a flight). I hope that everyone is enjoying the end of school and the beginning of summer.

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Gines "Party of Five" said...

You look so cute! I hope you all make it soon:)

Conni said...

This is going to be the party of six, pretty soon. Keep those feet up! :) Lookin' good!

Kelly said...

Yes, you need to get those feet up, girl! For your girl! I hope you have a nice vacation and were able to get out there flying standby.