Monday, July 6, 2009


Hannah and her friends getting ready to go to EFY

Hannah and Bekah at Registration

Traditional daily surprises for Hannah and her roommate Averi
Hannah and her roommate Averi

Hannah had the pleasure of going to EFY last week, for those of you that are not sure what EFY is it is a week long camp for young men and young women. EFY stands for Especially for Youth and it takes place on the campus of Trinity University in San Antonio. They stay in dorms with a roommate, eat in the Cafeteria go to classes, dances and fun activities. It is an opportunity for the youth to come together, learn about the gospel and have fun and spiritual experiences. Her sister Jessica attended EFY for four years and always had such an amazing experience, this was Hannah's second year and by all accounts she too had an amazing time. She of course met a few boys that she has not told us too much about but we know they exist. We are so grateful that this opportunity is available for the youth, it is something that truly enriches their lives and something we as parents appreciate.
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