I have been behind on posting things from the past few months but I have a very good excuse. My wonderful husband decided to take pictures of the Bronco he is restoring with the digital camera, once he downloaded the pictures on his computer he deleted them from the camera. The only problem is I needed the pictures to post on my blog which meant I had to wait for Chad to get the pictures from his laptop to mine. That along with the fact that I have not yet mastered posting pictures to the blog and it takes me twice as long as it does others. Jessica keeps asking why I have not updated the Blog with pictures from Homecoming Spirit week, Halloween, Thanksgiving and other fun activities. So here is an update for last several weeks, I hope you enjoy.
First is Homecoming Spirit week, Hannah and her friend Allie dressed up every day that week. Each day had a theme, pajama, cowboy/cowgirl day, mismatch day and career day (Hannah and her friend Madison dressed up like the Best Buy Geek Squad unfortunately I do not have pictures of that).
First is Homecoming Spirit week, Hannah and her friend Allie dressed up every day that week. Each day had a theme, pajama, cowboy/cowgirl day, mismatch day and career day (Hannah and her friend Madison dressed up like the Best Buy Geek Squad unfortunately I do not have pictures of that).

Next are pictures from Halloween, a few from our Wards Trunk or Treat and a few from Halloween night. Houston was Obi-Wan Kenobi a charachter from Star Wars Clone Wars. Hannah and her friend Madison were Ninja's and their friend Allie was a beautiful Cleopatra, as usual they were fully into the character of their costume. We love Halloween, we always have homamade Chili (my Mom's yummy recipe) before the kids go out to trick or treat. We hope y'all had a Happy Halloween.

Houston went to Toys R Us to compete in a Bakugan tournament, any of you with boys or maybe even girls ages 8-12 will likely know what that is. He won the first round but lost in the second round and of course came home very unhappy that he did not win the tournament. Lesson learned you can't win them all.

thanks mom those pictures and update were great, i love and miss you all so much, 14 days till i come :)
Whew! I'm exhausted looking at all these activities. I'll never know how you balance everything you do so well. You inspire me!
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