The amazing and delicious food and beautiful display thanks to Kelly
The yummy cupcakes thanks to Jennie
The guest of honor Colbie, she slept through the entire shower
I am behind on posting, life with a newborn does not allow much time for blogging or even checking e-mail, going to the restroom, eating, sleeping or anything else for that matter but I wouldn't trade a minute of it. I have a lot to catch up on but decided I needed to go back several weeks to some very special events. My dear friend Kelly asked to give me a baby shower when she first found out I was pregnant, she had been planning the big event and then surprise Colbie made her arrival 10 days early. We decided to go ahead with the shower and I would bring 5 day old Colbie with me to the shower. Everyone was very kind and understanding when I requested that no one hold her, I really appreciated there understanding. The shower was of course amazing, the food was delicious, the decor was beautiful, the sweets were sweet, the guests were very kind and generous and helped us welcome Colbie to the world. I really appreciate Kelly, Holly, Jennie, Paige, Heather and Elizabeth K. and any others that helped make this such a special event for our family. We feel blessed every day when we look at our beautiful girl and we are so happy to share our joy with wonderful friends.