It is hard to believe but Colbie is now 4 months old, she seems to grow over night. She is healthy and happy, we could not have asked for a better baby we are very blessed. She went to the Doctor for her 4 month check up, she now weighs 14 lbs. 14 oz. and is 25 inches long, she eats well (obviously) and sleeps well too. She will sleep at least 10 hours a night sometimes longer depending on her nap schedule that day. We are excited for Colbie's first Christmas, we will be leaving for Utah on Saturday to spend the holidays with family, some of which have not had a chance to meet Colbie yet. We are loving every minute of having Colbie in our family and are very grateful for this blessing in our lives.
Jessica took Fall semester off of College to come to Texas and help me with Colbie, she has been here for the past 4 months and will be leaving for Utah tomorrow, Spring semester begins in January so it is time for her to get back to her life. We loved having her home with us and appreciate more than words can say her volunteering without being asked to be here during this special time. My expectations were high and I know that it was sometimes frustrating for her but I really do appreciate all that she did. She took such good care of Colbie when I went back to work and developed a wonderful bond with her that they will both treasure. While I hope she waits a long time to have a family of her own I know through this experience that she will be a wonderful Mom. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here and for not only taking care of Colbie but for loving her the way you do.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Time Flies When Your Raising Babies
Posted by Michele at 12:35 AM 2 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Halloween 2009
Posted by Michele at 9:35 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Brace or Unbrace Yourself
Posted by Michele at 11:57 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Shower #2
Posted by Michele at 12:40 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Shower #1
The amazing and delicious food and beautiful display thanks to Kelly
The yummy cupcakes thanks to Jennie
The guest of honor Colbie, she slept through the entire shower
I am behind on posting, life with a newborn does not allow much time for blogging or even checking e-mail, going to the restroom, eating, sleeping or anything else for that matter but I wouldn't trade a minute of it. I have a lot to catch up on but decided I needed to go back several weeks to some very special events. My dear friend Kelly asked to give me a baby shower when she first found out I was pregnant, she had been planning the big event and then surprise Colbie made her arrival 10 days early. We decided to go ahead with the shower and I would bring 5 day old Colbie with me to the shower. Everyone was very kind and understanding when I requested that no one hold her, I really appreciated there understanding. The shower was of course amazing, the food was delicious, the decor was beautiful, the sweets were sweet, the guests were very kind and generous and helped us welcome Colbie to the world. I really appreciate Kelly, Holly, Jennie, Paige, Heather and Elizabeth K. and any others that helped make this such a special event for our family. We feel blessed every day when we look at our beautiful girl and we are so happy to share our joy with wonderful friends.
Posted by Michele at 11:38 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Hannah's First Day of 10th Grade
Posted by Michele at 9:31 AM 1 comments
Houston's First Day of 4th Grade
Posted by Michele at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Colbie's Arrival and other Happenings!
It seemed faster to post a slideshow than individual pictures. I hope you enjoy seeing pictures of Colbie's arrival to the world, Hannah's small birthday celebration (I still ower her a real celebration), the baby shower and some current pictures of Colbie.
Posted by Michele at 1:55 PM 4 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
SURPRISE!! Colbie Makes Her Appearance 10 Days Early
Posted by Michele at 5:53 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
38 Weeks and Happy 20th Anniversary
We finally reached 38 weeks, hopefully only tow more weeks to go YEAH! I am making some progress according to the Doctor I am dilated to almost 3, but he is officially saying 2 1/2 so that I will not be overly optimistic. She is very, very low which makes for a great deal of discomfort. I hope I can endure the next few weeks, I have told the Doctor I do not want to be induced unless i have to be but I can not guarantee that at some point next week I may give in. We will have to wait and see, I hope to not go into labor any sooner than the 21st, anything after that would be great.
Today also marks another milestone Chad and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. It is a surreal experience to be celebrating 20 years of marriage and be 9 months pregnant. If you had asked me 20 years ago if I thought that would happen I would have thought you were crazy, but now that I am in that situation I believe it is meant to be.
Chad and I went to dinner at Texas Land and Cattle and enjoyed a peaceful dinner just the two of us. Of course Chad took the opportunity to point out that it may be our last meal at a restaurant without a newborn. I think he is forgetting what great helpers we have at home that can watch the baby while we go out for a meal. I am grateful to be celebrating our 20th anniversary, we have had so many experiences over the last 20 years all of which have contributed to who we are today. I am so grateful to be married to a worthy priesthood holder who is hard working and does so much to provide for his family. He is a wonderful example to our family and all those he comes in contact with. I am grateful that he is patient and puts up with me, despite my imperfections and expectations. I feel very lucky to have the 3 beautiful and amazing kids we have and look forward to meeting our baby girl soon. There have been so many experiences we have had that have enriched our lives, I am grateful to have experienced them together. While things have not always been easy, they have definitely been worth it. I feel blessed to be his wife and look forward to all of the adventures that lie ahead.
Happy Anniversary, I LOVE YOU
Posted by Michele at 11:06 PM 3 comments